
please send me or Salvador announcements and contributions to the departmental newsletter.

In the October issue we would like to include
notes on the following topics:

- Open Group Study Sessions (How they are going and what is planned),
- Advising (reminder that it is coming, and links to related resources,
- Picnic (how it went, including a picture if anybody made a digital one
- Programming Contest (organizational details),
- jokes, puzzles, interesting problems,
- interesting links.

In this or later issues we would like to include short articles on:

- women in computer science,
- careers in computer science and related areas,
- new trends in computer hardware (64 bit, wireless networks,
perspective of laser based processors),
- new trends in computer software (application serving, etc.),
- viruses, worms, trojan horses, etc.,
- history of computing,
- movies and books (fiction and non-fiction) on computer scientists,
- any other topic you suggest.
